Project Borealis: April 1st

Making pictures, I tend to unintentionally spend too much time detailing trivial things, so I very much enjoy working on simpler dumb pics from time to time. So here are some thematically tied such exercises:

Freeman: Into the Freeman-Verse
Freeman approaching Combine Mega-structure
and the Freeman's Crowbar pic from April 1st 2018

The freemanverse includes some sneaky bits, such as:
  • freemen are numbered, 12 in total
  • an equation in the top left.
  • the wall of text at the bottom is a collection of first paragraphs from wiki pages of various freemen.
  • the green maps at each side are "Freeman, South Dakota" and "Freeman, Wisconsin" for some reason, idk.
  • h7z and pb signs are in mint red, just so you know it.
  • the whole backdrop is the borealis scene I threw together in sketchup with the checkerboard texture over it.
  • a barely noticeable exempt from epistle over the error in the sky
  • "half-life" and "borealis" written in cyrillic somewhere

the final high-resolution pictures are up on some galleries